- Peterson Bay field station across Kachemak Bay provides environmental education programs for school groups during the spring and fall. Natural history tours for visitors of all ages from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
- Carl E. Wynn Nature Center on East Skyline Dr. above Homer provides leisurely hiking, interpretive guides and handicap accessible boardwalks. Mid June – Labor Day offers daily guided nature walks, evening activities, programs for adults and children.
- Winter outdoor activities offered at the main office and Carl E. Wynn Nature Center.
- CACS Yurt on the Homer Spit provides Creatures of the Dock tours daily at 1 and 4 p.m. from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
- Also have programs including Backyard Club after-school program, junior naturalist camps, marine mammals camp and eco-teen camps.
Many volunteer opportunities available so please give us a call!
Please see our website for more info: www.akcoastalstudies.org