

Oversight Committee We are recruiting members for this Fall. We would like to have at least one representative (parent/guardian) from each group. We meet once per month to discuss all things HYSOC. We welcome fresh ideas; no experience necessary

Join Oversight Committee

Spring Semester Canceled Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we have canceled our Spring semester session.

Get in Touch

The Mission of the Homer Youth String Orchestra Club is to foster the orchestral arts for our Homer area youth.

Our goals are:

  • To teach students to master skills that will enable them to perform music well on their chosen instrument, leading to lifelong enjoyment and personal fulfillment through music.
  • To develop students’ understanding of and appreciation for music and a vehicle for creative self-expression and as a key to understanding past and present human experience.
  • To teach students artistic modes of problem solving, which bring analytical and developmental tools to every situation.
  • To teach students to adapt to and respect others’ ways of thinking, working and expressing themselves.
  • To teach students to analyze and interpret nonverbal forms of communication and make informed judgements of cultural products and issues.
  • To develop the ability to respond to music through writing and to evaluate musical performances using a set of established criteria.

These values and skill will be taught through the development of perform abilities and theoretical and historical knowledge of music.

The Homer Youth String Orchestra is a parent-run, volunteer organization – the time and efforts of our families help the club run smoothly.
